Information about the Processing of Personal Data


“Chania Urban buses S.A.”, based in the Municipality of CHANIA, 40 KRIARI Street, email: chaniabus@gmail.com, tel: 28210-93345, website: www.chaniabus.gr, informs you, according to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and the provisions of the relevant applicable Greek legislation on the protection of personal data, in its capacity as controller, that it processes your personal data, collected by applying for a card for unlimited routes.

Data Protection Officer (DPO).

For any issue regarding the processing of personal data, please contact the Data Protection Officer (DPO):PASYAL CONCERTIE mail:dpo@pas-consulting.gr, phone: 2105230517, fax: 2105230281.


Personal information is the information that can be used to identify or communicate with an individual, as well as other information relating to that person. The personal information collected is as follows:

a) Your identification data: photo, full name, maiden name, year of birth. We collect this data directly from you and may confirm it by showing your ID card, passport or other appropriate document.

b) Your contact data: postal and e-mail address, telephone (fixed or mobile).

c) Image data from the video recording systems of the premises of our offices, in which the markings are relevant according to law.

Chania Urban buses S.A. will not sell or otherwise transmit or disclose personal information of its card holders to third parties, which are not related to it, without the consent of the subject (passenger), with the exception of the application of relevant legal dictates to the competent authorities – bodies alone.

Why do we collect your data and for what purposes we process it?

Chania Urban buses S.A. collects and processes your personal data:

A. For the performance of the civil transport service agreement between us. This processing of your data serves you for purposes, such as identifying you and communicating with you during our contractual relationship, as well as after its termination. Thus, we may need to contact you by email or telephone for administrative reasons, such as in the event of a loss of your card or for the management of complaints submitted.

B. For your protection, i.e. passengers, but also of their employees and property, as well as the facilities and property of Chania Urban buses S.A. Thus, we use CCTV and security cameras, in order to protect the safety of natural persons (customers, associates, employees) and goods (materials and facilities).

We are doing this based on our legitimate business interests. If we find any criminal activity or alleged criminal activity through the use of CCTV, fraud monitoring and monitoring of suspicious transactions, we will process this Data for the purposes of preventing or detecting illegal Acts. Our goal is to protect our clients, employees and associates from criminal activities of all kinds.

C. To comply with obligations imposed by law, such as, for example, when we collect information about passenger accidents, we manage your complaints or complaints, requests for replacement of tickets or a refund; requests for passenger compensation or ticket discount for special categories of persons (e.g. students) and vehicle damage, keeping a passenger sign card record.

D. The manifest disclosure by the data subject and the processing necessary to protect the vital interests of the data subject or another natural person if the data is physically or legally incapable of consenting; are the legitimate reasons why we process any information provided concerning health data. This is relevant when issuing tickets, reporting passenger accidents and serving persons with reduced mobility.

E. Finding a job: Chania Urban buses S.A. processes your data to evaluate your qualifications and competences for the position for which you submitted the application or for another position within the company, as well as for the purposes of contacting you in relation to the to this end.

What is the legal processing of your Data by Chania Urban buses S.A.?

• Data protection legislation sets out several reasons why a company can collect and process your personal data, including the terms of our contractual relationship.
• The obligations of Chania Urban buses S.A. stemming from the law (e.g. tax legislation, legislation on urban transport, etc.).
• The legitimate interest of Chania Urban buses S.A. In certain cases, we collect your data in a way that is reasonably expected as part of the operation of our business, without substantially affecting your rights, freedom or your interests.

Where is your data shared?

We repeat that Chania Urban buses S.A. will not sell or otherwise forward or disclose personal information of the card holders to third parties, which are not related to it, without the consent of the subject (passenger), with the exception of the application of relevant legal dictates; competent and only authorities.

Access to your Data has the absolutely necessary staff of the Chania Urban buses S.A., which is committed with confidentiality.

The data may also be shared:

– To third parties or public authorities, to the extent necessary for the following purposes: (i) for the performance of a route and in the procedures laid down and where necessary to provide more information in relation to the passenger list (ii) for compliance with a state request, judgment or applicable law, (iii) to prevent illegal use of websites, (iv) for our protection against claims by third parties and (v) for contributing to deterrence or investigation criminal offences (e.g. counterfeiting, theft).

Retention/Storage Interval of Personal Data.

In the case that you enter into a contract with the Chania Urban buses, your personal data will be kept throughout it. In any Case of termination of the contract, Chania Urban buses S.A. may keep your personal data for three (3) years from the termination of it in any way. If, by the end of the three (3) years, judicial actions are under way with Chania Urban buses S.A. or any related company that concerns you directly or indirectly, this time of compliance with your personal data will be extended until the issue of irrevocable judgment. In the event that there is less or less time to keep your data from provisions of the applicable legal framework, the above time of data retention will be reduced or increased for as long as the relevant provisions require. The application, which is signed and in which your personal data are registered, may be kept in electronic – digital form.

What are your rights to your personal data?

You have the following rights in relation to your personal data:

(a) Right of access. Be aware of the categories of your personal data that we keep and process, its origin, the purposes of their processing, the categories of their addressees, the time of their observance, and your related rights.

(b) Right of rectification. Request the correction or completion, modification or updating of your personal data in order to be complete and accurate, by presenting any necessary document showing the need for correction or completion.

(c) Right of restriction. Oppose any further processing of your personal data: (a) when questioning the accuracy of personal data and until verification is verified,

(b) when you object to the deletion of personal data and ask instead restriction of their use,

(c) where personal data is not needed for processing purposes, are nevertheless necessary for the foundation, exercise or support of legal claims,

(d) when you oppose processing and until you verify that there are legitimate reasons for us and take precedence over the reasons why you oppose processing.

Request that your data be limited for as long as your objections to the processing is pending.

(d) Right to oppose it. You should object at any time to the processing of your personal data where, as described above, this is necessary for legitimate interests that we pursue as controllers.

(e) Right to be forgotten. Request that your personal data be deleted from our files. In all other cases (such as, but not limited to, where there is a contract, an obligation to process personal data imposed by law, public interest), that right is subject to specific restrictions or does not exist according to the Case.

F) Right to data portability. Request the transfer of your data to another controller or take it in readable form, free of charge. Your right exists for the data provided to us by you and their processing is carried out by automated means with your consent or performance of a relevant contract.

Note that:

(i) Your under c, d and your rights may not be met, partially or in whole, if there are other compelling and legitimate reasons that prevail over your right or if they relate to data necessary for the establishment, exercise or support of the legal rights or the fulfilment of obligations of the Chania Urban buses S.A., such as the preparation and continuation of the contract between us.

(ii) The exercise of these rights shall act for the future and does not concern data processing already carried out.

g) Submit a complaint with the Personal Data Protection Authority (www.dpa.gr, call Centre: +30 210 6475600, Fax: +30 210 6475628, e-mail: contact@dpa.gr) if you consider that your rights are inany way.

In order to exercise any of your above rights, but also for any issue regarding the processing of your personal data, you can contact the Data Protection Officer (DPO) PASIAL CONSALTING, postal address: Mitropoleos 3, P.C. 10557, city: Athens, email: dpo@pas-consulting.gr phone: 2105230517, fax: 2105230281.

Chania Urban buses S.A. will make every effort to respond to your request as soon as possible and always within thirty (30) days of its submission. This period may be extended for an additional 30 (30) days, if necessary, in our absolute judgment, taking into account the complexity of the request and the number of requests. Chania Urban buses S.A. will inform you in any case of an extension of the deadline within thirty (30) days. The above service is provided free of charge.

However, where the claims of the subject are manifestly unfounded, excessive or repeated, the Chania Urban buses S.A. may either impose on the Customer/passenger/data subject the payment of a reasonable fee, informing him thereof or refusing to respond to his request/requests.

Personal Data Security

Acknowledging the importance of the security of your Personal Data, Chania Urban buses S.A. implements appropriate organizational and technical measures for the safety and protection of your Data from accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, prohibited dissemination or access and any other form of unfair processing.

In any case, the nature and functioning of the internet does not allow our guarantee that unauthorised third parties will never be able to violate the technical and organisational measures applied by gaining access and using personal data for unauthorised or unfair purposes.

Validity and interpretation of Terms.

The above terms shall apply and shall be interpreted in the current national and European legislative and regulatory framework for the protection of personal data. Chania Urban buses S.A. reserves the right to change the terms of protection of personal data in the relevant legal framework.

Therefore, these privacy terms may be reviewed and updated at any time and without notice, however, always on our website: www.chaniabus.gr, Customers/Passengers are requested to check these conditions at regular intervals for any changes, as the continuous use of the card and in general the services of Chania Urban buses S.A. implies that they accept all possible amendments to this Policy.

We encourage you to read, at regular intervals, this Policy to know how your Data is protected this privacy policy was last amended on 28/01/2019.